Monday, August 1, 2011

Serendipity and a Ride on the Seine River

   Serendipity hits when you least expect it, of course. So as Keegan and I were sitting in the restaurant on the Left Bank, me raising my glass in toast to our trip we could not know what fun was in store for us that night. Sitting to our left was another mother/son duo and we were to join them for special "Tar Heel" style fun that night. Quiet me overheard them talking and knew they were Americans. But I would not have interrupted their meal, sat with them for dinner and left the restaurant with them for a fun filled night if Marsha hadn't started talking first. Thank you Marsha!

    Turns out they were from Raleigh, NC and David was a sophomore at UNC Chapel Hill in the biology department headed for medical school. How could it be that we would sit next to each other at that moment? Actually they would have gone on the Bateaux Parisenne boat cruise the night before if they could have found the right spot to get on. But they walked for about five miles, said Marsha, in their best clothes and Marsha in heels and didn't find the launch spot before it closed. Actually they were leaving the next morning for NC.

    Well, we joined them for dinner with the maitre'd's blessing (he reset our table for other customers!) and then walked to the store for wine, cheese and crackers to take on the boat. We walked to the Seine for the boat ride and had an hour wait.As we cruised along the Seine, the buildings were lit in fairy tale fashion and at 11 pm at night they are at their finest. A spot light emanates from the top of the Eiffel Tower and it is completely lit up, looking completely beautiful. Then someone flips a switch and it blinks and twinkles all over. Magic!

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